Euree Multi Asset Balanced Fund
The Fund invests in an actively managed and balanced portfolio of growth orientated assets and defensive assets across Australian and global equities, fixed interest, property, and alternative asset classes.
Euree Multi Asset Growth Fund
The Fund invests in an actively managed and diversified portfolio of growth orientated assets and defensive assets across Australian and global equities, fixed interest, property, and alternative asset classes.
Euree A-REIT listed Securities Fund
The Fund will give you exposure to a diversified portfolio of listed property securities across, but not limited to, the retail, residential, commercial, hotel, industrial and real estate related social infrastructure sectors. The Fund may also invest in a selected range of other assets including listed property related securities, cash and fixed interest. Euree will make decisions about buying and selling investments of the Fund daily (often called active management), selecting individual investments and also changing the mix of the types of investments.